Get accurate diagnosis across a
exponentially large population
in much less time.
Collaborate with us to create cutting
edge research impacting millions
You can now go into remote areas and
deliver care even in offline mode
We're your guide as you seek access
to accurate information and care
Validate what you're not sure of with
significant time and cost savings
Govt. Depts
Cut health risks significantly by
mandating use of BerryCare for
your people

Why did we create BerryCare
"We believe that healthcare should be an affordable necessity and not a privilege.
AI and robotics can greatly accelerate the realization of this vision.
Oral Cancer is the 6th most common cancer in the world
and has the 3rd highest cancer mortality in India,
with more than 10 lives lost every hour.
At BerryCare we’re committed to reversing this tide for everyone.”
The features and impact of
the BerryCare app
Affordable and Preventive Healthcare
- Early detection can elevate the 5 year
survival rate from 18% to up to 90% - Our screening costs you 10x less, even lower
than a pack of cigarettes or a cab to the doctor - With a timely scan, you could even bring down
the treatment time from 3 months to 1 week

Prioritised Privacy
- Your privacy is our top priority and
we make sure all your data is encrypted - Any information shared with a doctor is completely secure
Scan From Anywhere,
At Any Time
- Through AI, access this intelligence
on the move 24/7 at your fingertips - Now you have an easy option instead of always searching
for a specialist and then being put on a waitlist - Works in offline mode so your images will
be uploaded once you have network